
Thursday, November 10, 2016

What If You're Not Where You Thought You'd Be?

5 Questions to ask yourself if you're not where you thought you'd be

I resonate so strongly with this. Not because I had no direction. I've had direction since I was a teenager. I was going to be a veterinarian, period, end of discussion. So I did everything to prepare for that and move in that direction. Then I got sick and everything changed.

I did accomplish something major, which was graduate college. I remember days where I wasn't sure I was going to be able to walk across campus to get to my classes. But I did. I pushed and did it. Then I crashed, physically and mentally. I worked some vet and animal related jobs, but I always crashed. I was always fighting being sick.

Then I just couldn't work anymore. Pursuing spirituality really gave me something to focus on, an interest to pursue. And my marriage to my amazing hubby. And my animals. Any my family and friends. So I keep on, feeling behind, feeling frustrated when I look at the lives of others, where they are. And then I'm reminded of all the good things I DO have, the many things I have actually accomplished especially considering how long I've dealt with chronic illness, the many things I can be grateful for. It helps a bit. I just have to remind myself not to focus on others.

This week has been difficult for me. I'm having a physical flare/crash, and with that comes emotional difficulties. I'm working through another wave of grief over losing my physical ability to work with animals. It's just not physically possible for me right now and may never be again. But then I feel silly because I've been so happy working with Tarot and working towards setting up a Tarot reading business. Sometimes it just hits you... All you can do is ride it out. I'll be ok...

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