
Monday, May 18, 2015

New Moon, New Beginnings

I had planned on a slightly different post today. However my morning daily Oracle and Tarot card draws for today were such that I need to share them here.

Today is the New Moon. The New Moon is generally associated with new beginnings. I have been struggling with some serious health setbacks with issues with my chronic illness. We made a major cross country move last summer that was a months long process and was incredibly stressful. We're now really starting to feel settled in, finally. We ended up finding a beautiful rental with a gorgeous view. It was exactly what we needed and wanted. It just took time for us to find it. My health has been a struggle since then. Stress can cause major flare ups for those of us with chronic illness and that moving process was one of the most stressful we've had yet. So my health has been very difficult for quite some time. Lately though I've been FINALLY starting to have some improvements, some settling down of the massive flare ups that I've been having. I've tweaked some supplements and eliminated some new triggers and that has helped me with the exhausting fatigue that I deal with every single day, one of the worst symptoms of my chronic illness. It's not gone by any stretch of the imagination. However even some easing to the constant dragging fatigue is an improvement that I'm more than willing to accept. I've been feeling more settled here. Things feel like they're getting on track. I've found a spirituality group here that I've started attending. This is something I had where we lived before. I have missed my former group tremendously since the move. It's hard to find a Pagan or spiritual group that you mesh really well with. I'm hoping this one will work out. So far, so good. My husband is happy with his job and our relationship is going very well. So things have recently felt very much on the upswing.

I share all this because of the cards I pulled today. I've recently been working on some personal growth and changes for myself. I've been utilizing Tarot and Oracle cards and meditation to help me with this process. As part of that I've been working on changing some of my old habits that just weren't serving me well. One of those habits I've been working on changing is how I start my day. For a while now I've started my day by grabbing my phone and checking Facebook. I'd get lost in Facebook land for long periods of time. This wasn't productive and really drained my energy, which is limited enough to begin with. I decided I wanted a more productive and positive start to my day. I decided that each week I would choose an Oracle deck to work with that I would draw a card from each morning. I would also utilize the Tarot apps (from The Fool's Dog) that I have and do a daily Tarot card draw from my Tarot apps. I would use the "Today's Card" function to choose a card and then view that card in each app, comparing the same card among several decks. I would also choose some crystals or stones to work with that day and do a short meditation with them. I've been able to be fairly consistent with doing this each morning before I get out of bed for the past several weeks.

As I mentioned before, today is the New Moon, often associated with new beginnings. All of the cards I drew today have to do with new beginnings. There's far too much correlation for it to be just coincidence, in my opinion. I even decided to draw a rune and that too was about new beginnings and growth. Here's a picture of what I drew today.

The Oracle deck I chose for this week is the Oracle of Shadows and Light by Lucy Cavendish, artwork by Jasmine Becket-Griffith. The card I drew today is number 23, Violet Angel, with a meaning of Breaking dawn. Reading in the book that accompanies the deck, this card is about new beginnings, health improvements, and optimism. Very much in line with the energies of the New Moon.

My Tarot card of the day is Judgement, here shown from the Sun and Moon Tarot by Vanessa Decort (US Games), my absolute favorite working deck. For me, the Judgement card is about letting the past go and moving forward. For me, the Major Arcana in Tarot address the big picture and major energies involved in a situation, as opposed to the nitty gritty details that the Minor Arcana talks about. So for me, this seems to mean a major energetic shift towards moving forward and new things. I feel that drawing this card on the day of the New Moon is pretty significant.

I also drew a rune for today, pictured by a rune from an absolutely lovely Rune set my husband gifted me from Mother Moon's Makings on Etsy. The Rune I drew today is Ingwaz. This Rune is about new potentials, new possibilities, and positive energies (thank you Shaman for your Rune interpretations you've shared with me). Very much in line with the energies of the New Moon.

I find it highly significant that on the day of the New Moon, EVERY divination tool I used today had meanings of new beginnings, new potentials, and new energies. I feel like the major energetic shift I've been starting to feel lately is really taking hold. For me, this is such a positive thing as it's something I've definitely needed and been working towards. Later today I'll be working on a crystals and stones layout to foster and support these new beginnings. I'm feeling very optimistic that I'm starting a new cycle now, one with new beginnings which I've been hoping for and improved health. I'm looking forward to seeing what the next few months brings.     (I purchased my apps through the Samsung Playstore)

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