
Saturday, November 19, 2016

When Mediocre is Enough

In dealing with chronic illness, hearing and reading all this stuff about doing more, more, MORE, and dreaming big and setting big goals feels so absolutely and completely overwhelming and unattainable and frustrating. I KNOW that big, huge goals just aren't realistic for what I can actually accomplish. But then it feels like I'm being made to feel like I'm limiting myself. I see all this stuff about removing blocks and "sure, you can do ANYTHING you want if you remove your blocks and put your mind to it." The reality is that's just not possible for me, given my current health issues and physical limitations. I HAVE to accept that or I'll drive myself crazy and probably make myself sicker. But I'm told that acceptance is resignation and I'll never move forward with that attitude.

This is where I've found so much peace in some Buddhist concepts. Mindfulness, impermanence, equanimity, these concepts are helping me to find peace with acceptance, not resignation. I've been reading Toni Bernard's books lately, which are about coping with chronic illness. Her book "How to Wake Up, A Buddhist Inspired Guide to Navigating Joy and Sorrow" has been especially helpful for me.

How do you find balance between accepting reality but still trying to move forward and set goals? Please feel free to share in the comments.

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